4 Types of Relational Connections

The people around you will either make you great or tear you down. Learn about the Loner, the Toxic, the Fake, and the True Connection.

Talking Points:

  • The loner is that person who is disconnected – somebody who is a maverick, somebody who isn’t really totally present or there for you.
  • A toxic person is pessimistic and negative – they’re always tearing you down. Everybody has some toxic relationships in their life.
  • A fake person is probably a person that you like to be around, but they are just a “yes man” – you don’t really know what they’re thinking because they never tell you the truth to your face.
  • A True person is the kind of person who is authentic. They build you up and strengthen you, helping you to really become a better friend, a better teammate, a better individual.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Name a friend, family member, or teammate in each of the four categories. Which category would your friends put you in?
  3. How has the “loner” impacted your life in a negative way? Share an example.
  4. Answer the question above for the toxic person and the fake friend.
  5. How has your “true” connection made you a better person? Give an example.
  6. What practical thing can you do to seek out more true connections?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


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