What do Dumbledore, Gandalf, and Yoda all have in common? They were known to be wise.

Talking Points:

  • Wisdom is knowing what’s right and acting on it. Wisdom is about good decision-making.
  • Gaining wisdom means being thoughtful and patient. Use the W.I.S.E acronym.
    • W: Wait – don’t rush into any major decision.

      I: Inspect – what is your “good angel” on your shoulder telling you?

      S: Select –  Make your best decision, and take ownership of it.

      E: Encode – Remember this for next time you need to make a decision

  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Name your favorite fictional character who displays wisdom. In what specific ways do they show it?  
  3. Name a real person in your life who displays wisdom. In what specific ways do they show it?
  4. When you think of a wise person, what are the attributes that come to mind?
  5. Think of a situation where you displayed wisdom. Explain.
  6. Think of a situation where you were lacking in wisdom. Explain.
  7. In terms of the upcoming week, how are you going to remember to be WISE?
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?