Learn to Tell the Truth About Your Addiction

You’ll never get victory over your addiction until you’re ready to start telling the truth about it.

Sketch X

Getting 5 Point Clarity on Parenting

Does parenting feel like an aimless journey? Use these five points to foster intentionality in your family.


Applying Your EQ To Everyday Environments

Your emotional health can impact your marriage, your parenting, your workplace and your friendships.


How Children and Teens Process Death and Loss

Death is complicated for adults so imagine the confusion it creates for kids. Learn how to talk, in an age…

FLEXTALK Community

Eliminate Your Teen’s WMD’s

Your teen’s emotional state can sometimes feel like you’re dealing with weapons of mass destruction! Learn how to manage your…

Josh Shipp

What it Means to Be a Leader

Being a good leader isn't just about telling people what to do. It's about inspiring them to be a part…

Big Think

How to Have a Difficult Conversation with Your Teen

Learn some helpful tips on how to approach a dreaded conversation with your teen.

Josh Shipp

Count the Cost of Competitive Sports

As parents, we all want our kids to be the best they can be so getting them into competitive sports…


The Freaked-Out Parent Loses

When bad behavior occurs, we need to be careful not to make our response to our kids the larger focus.

The Marriage Channel

The Cure for Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is rooted in a fear of what others think of you but what if all it took to…

Improvement Pill