The Danger of Sugar Baby Relationships

Parents and college students, pay attention to the growing trend of older men propositioning younger girls on social media for…


5 Signs of Passive-Aggressive Communication

Passive-Aggressive people leave you feeling confused by what they're really trying to say.


Understanding America’s Debt Problem

John Green explains the US debt problem in 4 minutes.

FLEXTALK Community

8 Things Every Dad Should Teach His Son

Dad have important roles in raising and shaping their kids - especially their sons.

Bright Side

Getting 5-Point Clarity As a Couple

Are you lacking focus and direction as a couple? Use these 5 points to get clarity.


How To Stop Fighting Over Money

Usually when couples fight over money, they're actually not fighting about money. It's deeper than that.


Family Talk: How To Process Your Emotions

Parents, your students have a lot of emotions but they may not be sure of what to do with them.


How to Help Someone Who Is Suicidal

If you’re having thoughts of suicide or have a friend who is, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at…


The Phases in the Cycle of Abuse

You may not realize you’re in an abusive relationship until it’s too late. Learn how to spot the tell tale…


How’s Your Marriage Doing?

Here are three questions you can use regularly to keep a gauge on your marriage.

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