Personality Types in Marriage

Understanding your temperament can help you appreciate your spouse- rather than trying to change them into your likeness.


Develop Your Love Map

Do you know your spouse better than their bestie? You should, and a love map can help.


Budgeting for Beginners

Living within your financial means is not only important to a healthy lifestyle but is also essential to building a…

FLEXTALK Community

Easy Budgeting Tips

Learn how doing simple things like setting realistic savings goals and guarding against impulsive splurges can help you to save…

FLEXTALK Community

Basic Building Blocks For Healthy Conflict

The book Crucial Conversations lays out important building blocks needed to do conflict well at work, home or anywhere!


Should I Rent While Paying off Debt?

Sometimes it seems like it would make more sense to get a mortgage and pay less per month than renting.…

Dave Ramsey

7 Signs You Are Going to Be Successful

Everyone wants to be successful, but do you have these seven traits of someone destined for success?

FLEXTALK Community

Treating the Non-Biological Sides of Anxiety & Depression

Depression is a sign that something’s not right in the world. But medication alone is not the full answer, because…


Are You Measuring What Matters Most at Work?

If you don't measure things, you'll never know if you're really winning.


Forgiveness Is Like a Sponge

One of the most powerful forces that a human being can exert on the world is forgiveness, because it wipes…

The Marriage Channel