
Anxiety is that weird feeling you get in your stomach when you're nervous about something.

Flextalk Kids


Self control is when you don't let your feelings rule your actions.

Flextalk Kids

Dealing With Thoughts

Thoughts come and go all the time, and you can’t control when a thought enters your head but you can…

Flextalk Kids

Don’t Be a Bully

Teasing is playful and fun and doesn’t hurt someone’s feelings, but as soon as it goes too far, then it’s…

Flextalk Kids


Integrity is when you do what is right, even if it is hard.

Flextalk Kids

Take Ownership

Taking ownership means that you accept the blame and you don’t make excuses when you mess up.


Your Habits

A habit is created when you do something so many times that you start doing it without even thinking!

Flextalk Kids


Self-esteem is how you think about yourself, see yourself and feel about yourself!

Flextalk Kids

Resolving Conflict

Resolving conflict is just a fancy term for saying you solved a fight.

Flextalk Kids

5-Star Leadership Assessment

The greatest leaders are not afraid to assess their own leadership skills. Grade yourself according to these five leadership checkpoints.
