You Might Just Learn Something in Couple’s Therapy

There can be a negative stigma attached to therapy but it just might teach you something.

The School of Life

Do You Know Your Teen’s Love Language?

Knowing your teen’s love language will allow you, as a parent, to speak love effectively into their life.

The Marriage Channel

Taking Ownership of Your Mistakes

A common character flaw is failing to own your own mistakes. Next time you're temped to point a finger, try…


Salary Negotiating Tips for Women

Women, don't be afraid to negotiate what you're worth to your organization. Use these tips to get your next raise.


How to Become a Life Hacker

A lot of people think of bad things then they hear the word, "hacking," but hacking your life can actually…


Next Level Work Ethic

The best athletes push beyond mediocrity to get to the next level. Legendary NBA trainer Phil Beckner shares how Portland…

Sketch X


Empathy is understanding and sharing in the feelings of others!

Flextalk Kids

Speak Up

If you see someone being bullied, stand up and say something.

Flextalk Kids


Resilience is when you don’t let anything keep you down.

Flextalk Kids

Stay Curious

Curiosity is a never ending search to learn more!

Flextalk Kids