Here’s How to Start Mentoring Your Kids at Home

Great parents become better parents when they invest intentionally into their kids, one topic at a time. Here's how to…

The Marriage Channel

Simplify Your Life By Getting Rid of Junk

We spend our whole lives trying to have the most junk, but what do you do when you realize all…

FLEXTALK Community

The Anatomy of a Habit

To change bad habits and develop better ones, you'll need to know what a habit really is.


How to Get Your Teen to Talk to You

Getting your teenager to open up to you can be challenging but there are some things you can do to…

Josh Shipp

How to Simply Show Love

Gift-giving has become the most common way for us to show our love. Why is that?

FLEXTALK Community

Tips for Raising Kids with Disabilities

Having a kid with a disability might sound daunting and scary. Here are some tips on how to parent a…

Kristina Kuzmic

What’s the Difference Between General Anxiety and Panic Attacks?

Though feelings of anxiety and panic attacks can go together, there are distinctions between them and certain treatments that work…


Preparing for Marriage in Later Life

Marrying or remarrying later in life can be very rewarding, but also presents unique challenges that require unselfishness and communication.


The Life-Changing Act of Saying Hello

Not only can saying hello brighten someone else’s life, it can also brighten yours.

FLEXTALK Community

The Three Fight Languages

We all have a natural way we respond when we're hurt or angry and it's called our fight language.
