10 Things People Waste Money On

Nobody wants to waste money, but it happens! Stay away from these 10 money pits.

Rachel Cruze

Fathering When You Can’t Fire Your Kids

Some dads father like they're running a business. But that strategy sucks.

The Marriage Channel

How to Manage Your Energy, Not Just Your Time

Are you getting the most out of your work day? Pay attention to your energy level and how that affects…

FLEXTALK Community

Keeping Your Kids Safe On Their Phones

The stats tell us that we need to protect our kids from the dangers that come with unfettered phone use.


5 Things You Must Do if Your Spouse Had an Affair

If you've recently discovered that your spouse has cheated, there are five tasks you need to incorporate if you want…


How To Save Your Marriage if You’ve Had an Affair

If you've had an affair, it's not too late to change course and save your marriage. Incorporate these four steps…


What Is Team Culture (and Why Is It So Important)?

Every team and organization has a culture, and it means everything when it comes to accomplishing your mission and vision…


How To Keep Your Team Motivated

Learn how to keep your team focused and motivated to get the big projects done.


What’s Your Mission at Work?

Mission answers the question, “Why do we exist?” Remember three things as you develop or refine your mission statement.


Learn How To Really Listen to Your Spouse

One of our greatest needs is to be understood by others. This is especially true for a healthy marriage. Learn…

FLEXTALK Community