Where Should A Commander Be On The Battlefield?

A good leader will determine where they can have the greatest impact and influence and then will focus their energy…


Being Vulnerable as a Leader

Most of the time we imagine leaders as strong, not vulnerable. Find out how vulnerability will build trust with your…


What if a Kid’s Most Annoying Trait Is Also Their Biggest Talent?

Kids can have aggravating habits. But those aggravating habits might just be the seeds of greatness.

Josh Shipp

Blending Families: Make The Marriage a Priority

It's a challenge to cultivate the marriage when kids are in the mix from the start. Take the time to…


Signs That Your Teen Might Be Suicidal

Suicide can be a terrifying topic to talk about or even think about when it comes to your child, but…

FLEXTALK Community

Brain Chemistry and the 4 Love Types

Dr. Helen Fisher, an anthropologist, has studied human love through a scientific framework. She has identified four love types based on…


How Do You Avoid Sexual Temptations in Marriage?

Even though it goes against their values and beliefs, a lot of people end up committing adultery or turning to…


How Porn Destroys Marriage

Pornography is a public health crisis much like drug abuse or smoking. Left unchecked, it will destroy your marriage and…


Boundaries With The In-Laws

If you keep having fights about the in-laws, it’s time to set some boundaries.


The Best Budgeting Apps

Learn how to use some free and easy apps to keep control of your budget.

FLEXTALK Community