Mission, Vision, Values for Teens

Having a mission statement and a vision for your future will help you to make good decisions today.


What Parents Need to Know About E-Cigarettes

Parents, don't be fooled by the marketing of e-cigarettes. They are dangerous for your teenagers.

FLEXTALK Community

How to Help Your Child Cope with Grief

Kids need help from their parents when it comes to grieving a death in the family. Here's how to help…


The Case for a Flat Tax

Americans are taxed like never before, and the code is more complicated than ever. Author Steve Forbes states his case…


Amazon’s Flywheel: How Bezos Got to the Next Level

Years ago Jeff Bezos and Amazon.com figured out a virtuous cycle that would change the way they ran their company…

Sketch X

How to Be a Parenting Genius

At times you might feel like you just can’t get through to your kid. No matter how many times you…

Sketch X

Emotional Intelligence at Work: Why IQ Isn’t Everything

Being smart is important for success, but it can only carry you so far. Emotional intelligence is crucial in the…

Big Think

How the Modern World Makes Us Mentally Ill

Systemic cultural problems are causing us to have underlying stresses that need to be addressed.

The School of Life

Giving Your Partner the Benefit of the Doubt

We usually give ourselves the benefit of the doubt, but often deny it to others. Yet this way of thinking…


Is Forgiveness the Same as Forgetting?

There's a difference between living under the power of bitterness and living above the impact of someone's offense.

FLEXTALK Community