Get On “The Energy Bus”

The power of a positive mindset can transform your team with these 10 simple principles from author Jon Gordon.

FLEXTALK Community

Setting Goals

Setting goals means you write down something you want to accomplish. There are long term goals and short term goals!

Flextalk Kids


Everyone gets scared sometimes but don't let fear control your life or you'll miss out on some fun stuff!

Flextalk Kids


Patience means you wait calmly without complaining!

Flextalk Kids

Is My Kid Watching Porn?

Porn addiction isn’t just an adult issue anymore. With the internet easily accessible on phones, kids are being exposed at…

Josh Shipp

How to Stay Agile in Your Career

If you don't want to get stuck in your career path, you'll need to learn how to become more agile.


What Kids Want

Your kid doesn’t want that new video game, what they really want is you.

Sketch X


Failure is when you try to do something but you mess up and you don't like the outcome.

Flextalk Kids


Focus means you drown out all of your distractions and you give all of your attention to one thing.

Flextalk Kids


Effort is how hard you work at something. Don't be lazy but give 100% to everything you do!

Flextalk Kids