Bouncing Back When Life Gets You Down

Life is full of tests and trials. Emotionally healthy people are ready for anything.


Believing and Projecting the Truth About Yourself

For better or for worse, believing something about yourself and projecting it to people around you will become a cycle…

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Great Budgeting Tips from the Minimalists

Find out a simple and innovative way of viewing your money so you can start saving more.

FLEXTALK Community

Tips for Blending Families

Blending families takes some extra special care to do it well. Learn some tips to get your family on the…


What’s It Like Being a Black Man in Corporate America?

Corporate America can feel very white and therefore an unsafe place for African American people to thrive. Let's change that!


5 Sayings for Resolving Conflict

Conflict can be a good thing if you communicate the right way. Use these 5 sayings to help you navigate…


What Are Boundaries In Relationships?

Boundaries help you to define what's your responsibility and what isn't in relationship with others. If you have a hard…


4 Steps to Controlling Anger

Anger is an emotion, if left unmanaged, can wreak havoc in your life. Learn some tips that will help you…


Watch Out for Sibling Rivalry

Don’t let sibling rivalry get in the way of being good to others in your family.


4 Roadblocks to an Apology

Apologies are hard but they are vital to having healthy relationships. Yet for many of us, we can’t bring ourselves…

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