Maintaining the Edge as a Leader

Planning. Verticality. Decisiveness. Discipline. These final four principles can help you maintain the leader’s edge - on the battlefield or…

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Finding A Work-Life Balance For Couples

Can you have both a career and a family? It depends on your goals for both.



Learn important principles for personal growth in the area of emotions and relationships.


What Google Learned about Team Culture

Google spent a lot of money to learn two simple things about what makes teams more productive. Here's what they…

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Grudge vs Boundary in Relationships

What’s the difference between holding a grudge and releasing a friendship?

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Do the Right Thing as a Man

There’s never a wrong time to the right thing, and there’s never a right time to do the wrong thing.


Gain a Healthy Perspective of Money

We all look at money differently. Some see it as the key to happiness, others see it as a gateway…

FLEXTALK Community

6 Ways to Lie

Lying is a little more complicated than you think. It's not just about telling a falsehood.

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Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Fighter Pilot Style

Even fighter pilots need to be in touch with their feelings in order to lead well.


The Dark Side of Masculinity

Our culture’s model of masculinity does not always reflect a positive perspective of what it means to be a man.…
