Effort is how hard you work at something. Don't be lazy but give 100% to everything you do!
Effort is how hard you work at something. Don't be lazy but give 100% to everything you do!
Embarrassment is that feeling you get when you do something that makes you feel awkward or angry.
Disappointment is that feeling you get when you don't get what you want or when things don't go your way.
Your attitude is how you react to your feelings and it can determine whether you have a good day or…
Be a giver not a taker! A generous kid gives something away to be nice to someone.
Don't believe the lie that what is done in secret can't hurt anyone.
Cheating happens when you're dishonest and give yourself an unfair advantage and it's not good!
Losing is no fun but you still need to be a good sport about it.
Forgiveness means you let go of the yucky feelings you have toward someone and replace them with happy thoughts.
The Golden Rule says to treat others the way YOU want to be treated!