Categories: 1st Grade

Be A Good Friend

Being a good friend means you're kind, positive and you never leave anyone out!

Talking Points:

  • Bad friends make you feel bad about yourself because they say mean things or leave you out at recess.
  • When you treat others right, chances are really good that they’ll treat you right!
  • Tips for being a good friend: 1. Be kind and share. 2. Be positive and happy. 3. Stick together by including everyone
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share about a friend who did something nice for you. How did that feel when they were kind?
  3. How have you been a good friend to someone else?
  4. Why does it hurt when you feel left out at recess?
  5. What will you do this week to be kind to someone? How will you make someone laugh this week? How will you include others at recess this week?
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
Flextalk Kids: