Categories: 1st Grade

Be Respectful!

Big Ideas:

  • You should respect your things. No matter what it is, you should take care of your things so they last a long time! And be gentle with your friend’s stuff, too.
  • You should respect people. No matter who it is, you should be kind to everyone and treat others the way you want to be treated.
  • You should respect yourself. Everyone messes up sometimes and we won’t be the best at everything so don’t say mean things about yourself in your head and make good choices that keep you out of trouble.
Talk About It
  1. What’s your favorite part of the video?
  2. Has someone ever broken something of yours? What happened? How did that make you feel?
  3. How can you show respect for your favorite toy? How can you show respect for your friend’s stuff?
  4. How do you feel when someone leaves you out at recess? How can you show respect to others at school and at home?
  5. Why is it bad to say mean things about yourself in your head? What are some good choices you can make at school this week? How about at home?
  6. What are some things your teacher can help you with?
Flextalk Kids: