Categories: Family

Boundaries With The In-Laws

If you keep having fights about the in-laws, it’s time to set some boundaries.

Talking Points:

  • If you experience on-going conflict over the in-laws, chances are good that you have some boundary issues that need to be addressed.
  • There are 3 key steps to help you navigate this issue in a manner that keeps your marriage intact while preserving relationships with your family.
    • Take a look inward and discover what’s bothering you and why
    • Talk honestly with your spouse about your feelings and concerns
    • Create boundaries with each family and hold to them
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Describe your typical experience with your family. How about with the in-laws. (holidays, family dinner, reunion). What are some pros and cons to each family?
  3. Do you notice your stress level rising when you’re about to spend time with either family? Explain. Do you notice your spouse’s stress level rising around family? Explain.
  4. What are the triggers that tend to upset you when you’re around family? Why do those things have such a negative impact on you?
  5. Of the 3 boundaries mentioned, (one or both act differently around family, ignore your spouse or triangulation) which one best describes your family dynamic? How is each one damaging to you?
  6. When is the last time you asked your spouse about what it’s like being around your family or theirs? How could being honest about the challenges help your marriage?
  7. What are some boundaries you need to put in place with your family? With your spouse’s family? How will you go about communicating those boundaries?
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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