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FlexTalk is a conversation library designed to help you become healthy and whole. Each lesson contains a short video, talking points, and discussion questions to help you start good conversations with your family, group, or personal mentor. 

How It Works

Choose a topic from below and schedule a time and place to discuss it. Watch the topic ahead of time to prepare for your meeting and use a journal to take notes. When you meet, use the discussion questions as needed to talk through the topic. Meetings should last 15- to 60-minutes. To get the most out of your conversation, make the four FlexTalk commitments:

  1. Come ready to talk. Make a commitment to watch the video or listen to the audio before you meet for a conversation. This will prepare you to bring your own ideas and participate.
  2. Come ready to listen. Don't just share your perspective. If you find yourself lecturing or dominating the conversation, stop yourself and start listening more.
  3. Come ready to discover. Nobody has a corner on the truth. In good conversations you can expect to discover a fresh perspective on just about any topic.
  4. Come ready to change. The goal in every conversation is transformation, not just information. You're the only one who can act on something new you've discovered.

Learn more about FLEXTALK.org.


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Use these conversation starters with your family or small group.

Let's Talk.

FLEXTALK.org is a library of conversation starters designed to help you talk about what matters at work, at home and beyond.

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The Marriage Channel: We create videos that empower better conversations on marriage, family and more - with solid family values.