Do the Right Thing as a Man

There’s never a wrong time to the right thing, and there’s never a right time to do the wrong thing.

Talking Points:

  • Remember that life is a marathon and not a sprint. While mistakes will always be made, if one’s perspective is constantly focused toward the end goal of living well, the pressure will ease. Doing the right thing is a learned behavior that requires constant attention.
  • Condoning unethical behavior because you believe the end will justify the means will only build a foundation of bad habits. Don’t get caught in this trap.
  • Showing passion is good and can lead to some positive outcomes, but flying off the handle will only result in bad outcomes.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Have you ever done something you knew was wrong because you believed it would have the best outcome in the long-term? What happened?
  3. Have you ever done the right thing in a tough situation and it went well? Explain.
  4. Have you ever done the right thing in a tough situation and it went poorly? Explain.
  5. Do you ever use anger to control a situation? Name how this could hurt the situation.
  6. What’s the difference between anger and righteous anger? How do the two play out differently?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


FlexTalk: FLEXTALK's official YouTube channel is dedicated to empowering great, value-based conversations at home, school, work, and beyond.