Don’t Be a Bully

Teasing is playful and fun and doesn’t hurt someone’s feelings, but as soon as it goes too far, then it’s bullying!

Talking Points:

  • #1: Don’t make fun. When you make jokes, don’t make them about someone, because no one likes to be laughed at!
  • #2: Don’t use mean words. Anytime you catch yourself or your friends using mean words or calling someone a name, recognize that you are bullying!
  • #3: Don’t be a bystander. So if your friends start bullying someone, and you realize it, step in and stop it!
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share a time you felt bullied by someone (don’t use names). How did you feel? Did anyone help you?
  3. What’s a good way to know if a joke turns into bullying?
  4. Words have power. How will you make sure you or your friends don’t hurt others with mean words?
  5. Have you been a bystander before when someone was bullied? As a class, come up with some things you can do to take action against bullying.
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
Flextalk Kids: