Don’t Be Jealous

Jealousy is that yucky feeling you get on the inside when you want something that someone else has.

Talking Points:

  • Jealousy is a yucky feeling you get when someone else gets something you wish you had.
  • Jealousy makes you act in silly ways like getting angry or throwing a fit and that’s no good!
  • Control jealousy by admitting when you feel it, take some deep breaths to calm down and be happy for your friend when something great happens to them!
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share a time you felt jealous of a friend or sibling. Describe the feelings you had and why you had them.
  3. What are some other silly ways we can react when we feel jealous of someone else?
  4. Review the three steps to controlling jealousy. Why is it good to admit when you feel jealous? How can taking a few deep breaths help you calm down? How can you show your friend you’re happy for them?
  5. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
Flextalk Kids: