
Everyone gets scared sometimes but don't let fear control your life or you'll miss out on some fun stuff!

Talking Points:

  • Steps to controlling fear:
    • Breathe! Breathing helps to calm you down so you can face whatever you’re afraid of.
    • Be confident! Don’t let fear control you to the point that you never do anything fun. Don’t shrink back-attack it!
    • Don’t overthink it! Don’t spend all your time thinking about the worst case scenario. Think about how much fun you could have.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share the last time you were afraid to do something. Why was it scary to you?
  3. Share a time you were brave and did something even though you were a little scared.
  4. From your example in question #3, did you have fun once you did it? Explain.
  5. Role play: Invite a kid to the front to act out a scenario. (ex. going on a roller coaster, singing in the school play, or jumping off the diving board). As a class, help the kid go through the steps of controlling fear. Help them come up with ways to be confident and how to replace worst case thoughts with best case scenario thoughts.
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
Flextalk Kids: