Categories: Family

Here’s How to Start Mentoring Your Kids at Home

Great parents become better parents when they invest intentionally into their kids, one topic at a time. Here's how to do it.

Talking Points:

  • Step 1: Care about your kids. Invest in them and make time for them.
  • Step 2: Pick a topic your kids care about. FLEX mentoring is pretty simple, really, and it all starts with picking the right topic.
  • Step 3: Make it fun. Go out for ice cream or breakfast, or hit the golf course or basketball court. Create the environment that is conducive to a great conversation.
  • Step 4: Schedule it. Schedule fifteen or thirty minutes, or maybe even an hour. And then show up and demonstrate that you really value that intentional time.
  • Step 5: Power through. Sometimes parents make their kids do something they don’t want to do. That’s the incredible responsibility of parenthood. Be the parent. Start mentoring your kids. You’ll be glad you did.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. How did your parents invest in you? What are some topics you wish they would have covered with you?
  3. What are some topics you think your kids might want to talk about? What are some topics you’d like to cover? Make a list.
  4. Brainstorm some ways to make mentoring fun every week.
  5. When will you schedule your mentoring times? Will you do it as a family or one-on-one?
  6. How do you think your kids will respond to this at first? Will it be hard for you to power through?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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