You might believe that you can have a casual relationship with drugs and alcohol, but the reality is that you could become addicted at any point.

Talking Points:

  • Teens have a lot to cope with. Their bodies and minds are changing dramatically and there is increased stress even in good homes. 
  • Teens need help, and if there is not a strong support network, teens will feel like they have been left to their own devices, which can make it difficult to handle the challenges of growing up. In these situations, drugs and alcohol are seen by teens as a way to cope.
  • Brain chemistry is a factor for addiction. Some people get hooked more easily than others. This is a genetic issue and is no one’s fault. But those who do have more addictive personalities because of their genetics must be extra careful to avoid drugs and alcohol.
  • Over time, substance abuse can become an ingrained pattern that will change people’s brains, making them less aware of how the substances are damaging them.
  • You are not alone. Many people struggle with addiction to substances or bad habits. Don’t isolate yourself. Be open to help from others, whether friends, family, or professional counselors/therapists.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Have you ever known someone who struggled with an addiction? What happened?
  3. Does addiction run in your family? Explain.
  4. Why do you think so many teens struggle with substance addictions?
  5. How do you handle stress in your life? What coping mechanisms do you have when you get stressed out? Do you have support at home? Explain.
  6. What would you say to someone who wanted to turn to alcohol or drugs in order to cope with the real issues plaguing them, like a hard home life, stress at school, or something else?
  7. How can you support people who may be on the path toward addiction?
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?