Even though it goes against their values and beliefs, a lot of people end up committing adultery or turning to addiction because of a rocky marriage. Find out how to avoid those pitfalls here.
Talking Points:
- To avoid temptation, never put yourself in a situation where temptation can occur without realizing you’re being tempted. The chorus of this mindset is, “We’re just friends.”
- It’s important to be open and honest with your spouse. For some, this might mean allowing your spouse to have final say on who can and cannot be your friend from the opposite sex.
- If you’ve already crossed a boundary and need to find your way back, seek help from mentors, trusted friends who will tell you hard truth and hold you accountable, professional counselors, or a clergy member.
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- When it comes to dating and marriage, what are some of your beliefs and values?
- Why do you think many married people, despite their beliefs and values, end up cheating or getting divorced?
- “To avoid temptation, never put yourself in a situation where temptation can occur without your realizing you’re being tempted.” Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement. What does this look like practically?
- Do you think it’s a good strategy to give your spouse the final say when it comes to opposite-sex friendships? Why or why not?
- If you have already crossed a boundary into adultery or marital unfaithfulness, what steps do you need to take to start finding your way back? Who are trusted people who can help you in this process?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?