How to De-Fang Failure in the Workplace

Failure can seem like a scary beast that everyone wants to avoid. But learn to talk about it and you can leverage failure for the greater good.

Talking Points:

  • Failure is inevitable in every workplace. Next Level cultures are fueled by failure, not defeated by it.
  • Next Level cultures create ground rules for honest feedback about wins and losses.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Do you agree that failure is inevitable in the workplace? Which amount of failure is acceptable? When does failure become catastrophic?
  3. Share about a time when you or your team failed and handled it poorly. In retrospect, how could you have handled it differently?
  4. Why do most teams fail to talk honestly and openly about failure? What is the unintended consequence in the culture?
  5. What are some ground rules you would like to see established in your company’s culture when it comes to talking about failure? Make a list.
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

Adapted from The Power of the Other by Dr. Henry Cloud.

Sketch X: The official scribble channel for life, leadership, and more at FLEXTALK.org.