How To Keep Your Team Motivated

Learn how to keep your team focused and motivated to get the big projects done.

Talking Points:

  • Step #1: Develop a team contract. This (preferably brief) document should focus on the team’s goal, responsibilities, and norms. Everybody understands, signs, and commits.
  • Step #2: Short, frequent meetings as opposed to long, drawn-out meetings. The longer between meetings, the more the team drifts off-track. At each meeting, revisit the team contract as a grid to gauge progress and address hangups.
  • Step #3: Stand and deliver – literally. Every week, team members should be given space to share their accomplishments. Teams that do this are 34% more productive than teams that don’t.
  • Step #4: Create a line of sight. When team members see how their effort is positively impacting the end goal, they are more productive.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Have you ever been part of a group or team where some people were clearly not pulling their weight? What happened?
  3. What would it look like for your team to develop a team contract? What would be the goals, responsibilities, and norms?
  4. What are meetings like for your team right now? Are they effective or not so effective? What, if anything, needs to change?
  5. Why is it so important for team members to regularly be given the opportunity to share their progress and hangups? How could this practice help your team succeed?
  6. What can you do to help establish “lines of sight” for your team or workplace?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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