Categories: Workplace

How to Motivate Underperformers

Every company has underperformers. LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner swears by these three simple sentences if you want to motivate an employee to step it up or move it out.

Talking Points:

  • “I’m rooting for you.” This helps your employee know you’re on their side.
  • “I’m the reason you’re in this role.” This helps your employee know that you have believed in them in the past.
  • “I’m going to work with you to do everything within my power to get you up to the bar, if not over it.” This helps your employee know that you’ll do your part… but they still have to do their part.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Who is currently underperforming on your team? How have you tried to motivate them to step it up?
  3. Which of the three statement above will be hardest for you to say, and why?
  4. What part do you play in helping your employee step it up? Make a list.
  5. Make a list of clear expectations that you will communicate to the under-performer. How and when will you measure performance on these items?
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

Adapted from this article at Inc.com.

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