Categories: Everyday

How to Navigate Roommate Relationships

Roommate relationships can be some of the trickiest relationships to navigate in life. They can be temporary and casual, or they can lead into a lifelong friendship. Whatever the outcome, in order for them to function smoothly, these relationships require thought and care.

Talking Points:

  • There are many personalities out in the world, and you will get along with some better than others. Some people you can live with just fine, but your personalities are different and you have nothing in common as friends. This works in reverse as well, as some of your best friends might be your least compatible roommates!
  • Discussing love languages can help roommates understand how to treat each other respectfully and avoid unknowingly offending or hurting someone. Having these conversations early on not only establishes open communication in a living situation but can help to avoid or lessen the negative impact of conflict and disagreements that happen over time.
  • It is common courtesy to let people know when you’re going to be using a space that you share with them, and shared calendars are a great way to let all your roommates know when you’ll be having a group of people over.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Have you had roommates before? What have been the best and worst parts of those relationships?
  3. Do you know your own love languages? What can you learn from not only knowing your own love languages but the love languages of those you interact with daily?
  4. Do you have a place where you can go to “recharge” or relax away from everyone? Is it in your house or do you have to leave to go do it?
  5. What type of boundaries help you the most? Do you need physical space away from people, or maybe just some quiet, or something completely different?
  6. How can you be intentional with your roommate(s)? What can you do to plan for a smooth and functional living situation?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
FlexTalk: FLEXTALK's official YouTube channel is dedicated to empowering great, value-based conversations at home, school, work, and beyond.