Categories: Everyday

Simplify Your Life By Getting Rid of Junk

We spend our whole lives trying to have the most junk, but what do you do when you realize all of the junk is useless?

Talking Points:

  • Take an inventory of your junk. Go to your house and look around. Think about how often you use each item you look at. Do the math and learn how much that extra bedroom that you were certain you needed is costing you. Write two lists: top ten things you own based on price and top ten things you own that you love. Is there any overlap?
  • Once you identify all your junk you can take action. Determine what you need and what you don’t need. Place sheets over all the junk you own and only remove the sheet if you absolutely need the item underneath it. After about a week get rid of the things that remain under sheets. This is a great way to start getting rid of the clutter in your home.
  • Now you can breathe. Once you realize that your life has become consumed with things you can feel like you are being suffocated. Luckily, once you have decluttered your life you are able to breathe. You will feel a new passion for life because you are living it for its experiences, not what you can physically acquire from it.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What is some “junk” you own? Why have you held onto it?
  3. Why do you find it difficult to get rid of your “junk?”
  4. How has stuff overtaken your life?
  5. What is some “junk” you could get rid of this week? How will the tips listed above help you to do it?
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

This topic is adapted from The Minimalists YouTube channel. 

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