Know Your Worth

Watch the video above and talk about it with a group or mentor. Learn more.

Whether or not you ever become a household name, you are valuable. We all are valuable.

Key Points:

  • Everyone has value, not just celebrities. We live in a culture that says otherwise, so it’s hard to believe this. But at the end of the day, every person matters.
  • Don’t let someone else’s perception of you become your reality. Your value does not decrease because of other people’s inability to see your worth.
  • Everyone wants to feel validated on some level, and when people make you feel “less than,” they’re the ones with the problem. You have greatness inside of you.

Quote This:

Self-worth comes from one thing – thinking that you are worthy. -Wayne Dyer

See Also: Clarity, Compassion, Just for Women, Worth

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Have you ever experienced something like what Jeannie shared? Explain.
  3. Have you ever been around someone you considered to be “great” who acted like a normal person? What about someone who acted arrogant and “better than”? Explain.
  4. Share a time when you struggled with caring too much about someone else’s perception of you. Why do you think you put so much stock in their opinion? How did you get past it?
  5. Name a few people in your life that need validation. How can you give it to them?
  6. Write down three things that people have said or thought about you that have damaged your self-image. What can you do about those words or thoughts?
  7. Write down three things that are true about you that give you worth and dignity.
  8. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.

This topic is adapted from the alittleaboutalot YouTube channel.

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