Next Level Work Ethic

The best athletes push beyond mediocrity to get to the next level. Legendary NBA trainer Phil Beckner shares how Portland Trailblazer's Damian Lillard got there.

Talking Points:

  • It’s tempting to take things easy once you get to the top, but the most successful players are still hungry like they’re rookies fighting for a spot on the team.
  • “50/50 guys” are players who only show up once in awhile. They don’t have the long view of how their individual actions affect their performance as members of the team and ultimately bring the team down.
  • If you want to be exceptional, you have to do more. The best of the best always ask for more. “They all have an unwavering, relentless, unbelievable work ethic.”
  • Some things aren’t controllable, but work ethic is. If you can control the controllables, you’re going to outwork others and excel in the long run.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Former Dallas Cowboys head coach Bill Parcells said, “There are no medals for trying.” Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.
  3. Coach Beckner says that the most successful people have relentless work ethics. What about successful people you’ve met? What are the characteristics that make them successful as far as you can tell?
  4. Have you ever “gotten lazy” once you got your spot on the team, or that desk at the workplace, or once you settled into a romantic relationship? Why is it important to always “be hungry” in your work and relationships?
  5. Have you ever seen someone who was a “50/50” player, student, or co-worker? What sort of things did this person do that clearly made them a “50/50” member of the team?
  6. “If you want to be exceptional, you have to do more.” What does this look like practically? Give an example related to your work, studies, or team.
  7. Who are your mentors or other people who believe in you or keep you accountable?
  8. What are the “controllables” in your life? What can you take ownership over? How can you better utilize these “controllables” to propel yourself and your team/job/studies toward greater success?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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