Categories: Everyday

One Word that will Change Your Life


Distractions are the enemy of greatness. Focus on your one word, and you’ll position yourself for something great.

Key Points:

  • Most marathoners quit in the 20th mile; almost no one quits in the last mile – because they can see the finish line.
  • Choose one word that summarizes your vision. Do it at work and at home. Do it for yourself, and encourage your wife and kids to do it as well.
  • Distractions are the enemy of greatness. Focus on your one word, and you’ll position yourself for something great.

Quote This:

Never, never, never give up. – Winston Churchill

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Looking back, what was your “one word” for last year? Why? Share a few of your other “one words” for some of the more impactful years in your life.
  3. Looking forward, what is your personal “one word” for the coming year? What does that word mean to you?
  4. What is your “one word” for your family or team? Do you think everyone would agree? How can you get others to rally around it?
  5. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
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