Coach Pat Fitzgerald talks about the possible consequences of who you associate with and what you say on social media.

Talking Points:

  • There are consequences of who you associate with and what you say on social media. It’s naive to think that college sports recruiters aren’t going to find out what you say and do on social media. They may also judge you according to what kind of friends you have.
  • As a recruit, you are selling your brand. The brand you are selling on social media is you. Coaches and recruiters are trying to find out everything they can about you, including what you put on social media. It’s up to you to make the brand you are selling as attractive as possible.
  • Coaches and recruiters see everything. Colleges hire professional social media coordinators to monitor top recruits. They can find out what you said and did on social media five, or even ten years ago. They can also find out the people who you choose to associate with and what you do with them.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What kind of brand are you selling about yourself?
  3. What have you said or done on social media that you regret? Why do you regret it?
  4. Is there anything in your life or on anyone’s social media that could be considered a red flag by a recruiter or a coach? Why or why not?
  5. When have you had to disassociate yourself from someone who was a bad influence or bringing you down?
  6. Are the friends you have now good or bad for you? Why?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

This topic is adapted from the Positive Coach Alliance YouTube channel.