
Self-esteem is how you think about yourself, see yourself and feel about yourself!

Talking Points:

  • #1: Strike a power pose! A power pose is a position of strength so it makes you feel strong.
  • #2: Say nice things to yourself. Say something like: “You are awesome!”
  • #3: Build others up. If you are able to compliment another person’s good qualities, that means you already KNOW you have good qualities too!
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share something you are good at that makes you feel confident.
  3. Ask a few kids to demonstrate a power pose. Why does our body language help us to be confident?
  4. As a class, come up with a list of nice things they can say about themselves every morning. Why can that boost your self-esteem?
  5. As a class, have kids take turns sharing compliments with one another. Why does it boost your own view of yourself if you can make someone else feel good?
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
Flextalk Kids: