Show Your Appreciation (Series)

Show Your Appreciation

Use this video series to start conversations in the classroom or in your student group.

Series Overview:

We’ll be happier people when we show more appreciation in life.  Let’s celebrate the opportunities we’re given rather than just complaining about the stuff we don’t like.

Topic #1: Appreciate Your Parents

Talking Points:

  • We’ll be the first to admit, sometimes it can be difficult to get along with our parents. They demand that we learn to be responsible and they make us do things we don’t always want to do.
  • Nevertheless, our parents do a lot for us and their efforts often go unnoticed and unappreciated.
  • Take the challenge and show appreciation for your parents.
Discussion Questions:
  1. Initial reactions? What jumped out at you?
  2. What are some simple things your parents do for you that you may take for granted?
  3. How do you feel when people show you appreciation for something you’ve done? How does it feel when people take you for granted?
  4. Why is it important to show our parents that we appreciate them?
  5. What is something you can do to show appreciation for YOUR parents?
  6. Why is it beneficial to have a good relationship with your parents? How can you work to nurture and develop that relationship?
  7. What’s your action step based on today’s topic?

Topic #2: Appreciate Your Friends

Talking Points:

  • We all know what it’s like to have a bad friend. They bail on us, talk behind our back, or are just straight up mean.
  • When we hang out with friends, we are influenced by them. So if they are good people, we will be too, but if they are bad people, chances are we will follow suit.
  • Knowing what its like to have bad friends, however, should help us to appreciate the good ones! And the easiest way to show appreciation for them is by treating them how we want to be treated!
Discussion Questions:
  1. Initial reactions? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share a time a friend did something really nice for you. Share a time someone totally bummed you out and hurt your feelings. How did each of those experiences affect you?
  3. How have you been influenced by your friends? (dress, interests, music, social media etc).
  4. Why is it important to surround yourself with good friends? What are some of the consequences if you don’t?
  5. What defines a good friend? How can you work to be a better friend?
  6. How can you show your appreciation for your friends?
  7. What’s your action step based on today’s topic?

Topic #3: Appreciate Your Education

Talking Points:

  • We know more than anyone, sometimes school can be the absolute worst. Homework, studying for tests and balancing fun with responsibilities can be a real drag.
  • However, like anything in life, it becomes a little bit more bearable when you take a moment to appreciate that you have the privilege of going to school. Millions of people around the world lack opportunities for education, so we challenge you to appreciate yours.
Discussion Questions:
  1. Initial reactions? What jumped out at you?
  2. What are some things you like about school? (you can come up with at least one!) What are some things that stress you out about school?
  3. Why is getting an education important? What opportunities go away if you don’t pursue and take your education seriously?
  4. What are some of your goals for the future? (Career, lifestyle) How does your education impact those things?
  5. What can you do to get the most out of your education?
  6. Besides subject matter, what are some things you can learn from school?
  7. How can you show your appreciation for your teachers and for your education?
  8. What’s your action step based on today’s topic?

About Our Series

Series from FlexTalk are simple tools that empower conversations for good. For best results, we recommend three simple steps:

  1. Preview the audio (or video) on your own ahead of your meeting. This will help everyone prepare for a great conversation.
  2. When you meet, watch or listen together or invite someone to summarize the topic. Follow along by viewing the talking points on your phone.
  3. Use the discussion questions provided to help guide your conversation, but don't feel obligated to cover every question.

Find more series, along with additional conversation starters for just about any topic, on every category page in our library. 

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