Strategic Alignment

Understanding your mission and vision is only half the battle. If you do not align your team around common strategic objectives, you will never accomplish the mission.

Talking Points:

  • In order to get your team or organization to the next level, take some time to evaluate what you are trying to accomplish. Create the five boxes that will strategically develop your team.
  • After you have determined what your five main strategic objectives are you should translate your tasks and goals into each box.
    • Tasks are daily or weekly habits.
    • Goals are typically quarterly or yearly projects.
  • Think through your top five strategic objectives, how your daily tasks fit into those, and then bring it to your team.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What are your top five strategic objectives? Why are these your objectives?
  3. Do you have tasks that don’t fit into any of your five boxes? Are those things that are necessary or are they things you don’t necessarily need to be doing? Explain.
  4. How will strategic alignment help to take your team, organization, or family to the next level?
  5. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
Sketch X: The official scribble channel for life, leadership, and more at FLEXTALK.org.