Often, a teacher will make you aware of what topic or items to study, but rarely do they give you instructions on how to study.

Talking Points:

  • Set study sessions.
  • Determine a dedicated study area.
  • Categorize your study content into facts or concepts.
  • Organize your study notes by facts or concepts.
  • Teach from your notes to someone else to reinforce your learning.
  • SQRRR method (Survey, Ask Questions, Read, Recite, Review)
  • Use mnemonics.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What things have you tried before to improve your methods for studying? How much success did you have? What roadblocks did you face?
  3. What are two places that you can use as dedicated study areas? What makes them good places for studying?
  4. Discuss the differences between facts and concepts.
  5. Propose at least one opportunity you have to teach what you have studied.
  6. Review the SQRRR method. Why is each component important? How will it improve your comprehension?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?