Categories: Everyday

Taking Ownership of Your Mistakes

A common character flaw is failing to own your own mistakes. Next time you're temped to point a finger, try the four A's instead.

Talking Points:

  • Admit: Look in the mirror and be honest about your mistake. Own your part, and leave it to others to own theirs.
  • Apologize: Say “sorry” to anyone affected by your mistake. And avoid the temptation to fish for an apology.
  • Accept: Accept the consequences for your actions. Own the punishment just like you owned the mistake.
  • Adapt: Take ownership of the future “you”. Make an honest effort to learn from your mistake and change your behavior.
Discussion Questions:
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share about a time you were in a conflict with someone and they refused to admit any fault. How did that make you feel? What was the end result of that situation?
  3. Why is it important to hear someone admit to their mistakes? Why is it hard to admit fault?
  4. How has a genuine apology affected your relationship with someone? Share a time you apologized to someone. Why are the words, “I’m sorry” so powerful?
  5. Have you ever had to own a mistake and then also suffer the consequences for it? Explain. Why is it important to not play the victim in that situation?
  6. How have you learned from some of you past mistakes?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


FlexTalk: FLEXTALK's official YouTube channel is dedicated to empowering great, value-based conversations at home, school, work, and beyond.