Categories: Everyday

The 10 Laws Of Boundaries

Like anything in the natural world, healthy relationships are governed by basic principles. Here are 10 of them.

Talking Points:

  1. Sowing and reaping: You get what’s coming to you unless someone swoops in and protects you from negative consequences.
  2. Responsibility: You aren’t responsible for someone else’s choices.
  3. Power: You alone have the power to see your problems and to address them.
  4. Respect: As we want others to respect our boundaries, we need to respect theirs.
  5. Motivation: Choose to serve others out of freedom and love and not from a place of fear or control.
  6. Truth in love: Speak the truth in love for the good of another person, even if it causes temporary pain.
  7. Proactivity: Be proactive about what you stand for instead of being emotionally reactive toward what you stand against.
  8. Envy: Instead of resenting what others have, go after the things you want in life.
  9. Breakthrough: Don’t shrink back from a challenge, but embrace the struggle needed for growth.
  10. Exposure: Your boundaries need to be visible to others and communicated clearly.
Discussion Questions:
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Describe someone in your life who struggles to maintain healthy boundaries with someone in their life (spouse, child, friend). What are the indications that it may be an unhealthy situation?
  3. Which of the 10 Laws jumps out to you the most and why? Which law do you need to be more mindful of in your life?
  4. Review the law of Evaluation. Have you ever confronted someone before who has hurt you? How did you feel about that experience? In your own words, why is it important to speak the truth in love?
  5. Why is it better to be proactive with your emotions and boundaries rather than always being reactive? Share a time you reacted to something and regretted your actions. How could the law of Proactivity have helped you in that situation?
  6. Review the law of Exposure. Up to now, how have you made your boundaries known to the people in your life? What more do you need to say or do to make sure your boundaries are clear to others?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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