Watch the video above and talk about it with a group or mentor. Learn more.
The differences between alcohol abuse and alcoholism can be very small. Both are damaging to your life and will ruin relationships.
Key Points:
- Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are not the same thing. It is harder to detect the symptoms of alcohol abuse over and above alcoholism.
- The alcohol “abuser” can be detected a few ways.
- If family or friends are worried about their drinking.
- If they use alcohol to cope with a hard situation.
- If they’re secretive about their alcohol consumption
- If they are shirking responsibilities at schook, work, or home.
- If they are dangerous/reckless about their dirnking.
- If they continue drinking despite an ongoing relationship problem that is caused or worsened by drinking.
- Alcoholism is different because it is chronic and uncontrolled. It also leads to physical dependency upon alcohol. The major warning signs are tolerance and withdrawal.
- Everyone who becomes an acloholic at one point was an alcohol abuser; but not everyone who is an alcohol abuser will necessarily become an alcoholic.
- If you need help beating alcohol, talk to a counselor, pscyhologist, clergy member, or friend.
Quote This:
As an alcoholic, you will violate your standards quicker than you can lower them. -Robin Williams
Talk About It
- What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Did you know the difference between alcoholism and alcohol abuse before going through this topic? Explain the differences.
- Why is it harder to detect alcohol abuse than it is to detect alcoholism?
- In what ways can alcohol abuse be more dangerous than alcoholism?
- What are ways we can help others who are struggling with alcohol abuse/alcoholism?
- If you struggle with alcohol, who are some people in your life you might be able to turn to for help?
- Write a personal action step based on this conversation.