Categories: Everyday

The Lies Porn Will Tell You

From the Podcast:

Everyone who has accessed porn has gotten there by believing lies. Learn 5 of them here.

Talking Points:

  • Here are some of the lies pornography will tell you:
  • “It’s not hurting anyone.” The question is “What is hurt?” Pornography can and does have long-term, detrimental effects on users, even if it is not readily apparent.
  • “It’s not the same thing as cheating on my wife.” Cheating is not just physical, but mental and emotional. Pornography isn’t just about seeing other women, but about wanting them. That’s very far from being faithful to your marriage vows!
  • “It could save our marriage.” It is highly unlikely your wife will be okay with you using pornography. It will introduce conflict into your relationship.
  • “It doesn’t affect my emotions.” Addictions mask our emotions and keep us from addressing the struggles we are really facing.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. When were you first exposed to pornography? How?
  3. How has your porn use affected your relationship or marriage thus far?
  4. How is “It’s not hurting anyone” a lie? Give an example if you have one.
  5. How is “It’s not the same thing as cheating on my wife” a lie? Give an example if you have one.
  6. How is “It could save our marriage” a lie? Give an example if you have one.
  7. How is “It doesn’t affect my emotions” a lie? Give an example if you have one.
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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