Categories: Everyday

Three Marks of Good Character

Healthy emotions and relational skills lead to a good life. But the foundation of it all is character: a commitment to be good.

Talking Points:

  • An honorable person believes in doing the right thing. They put the good of others above their own preferences.
  • Acting with integrity means being one and the same person everywhere you are. It’s about being real without being a real jerk.
  • A humble person doesn’t suffer from self-importance. They acknowledge their imperfections and look to serve others.
Discussion Questions:
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share about a person who you believe acts in honorable ways. How have you determined that their actions are honorable?
  3. Share about a person who you believe has acted dishonorably? How did you determine that?
  4. Define integrity in your own words. How do you respond to a two-faced person? Why is this type of person hard to trust?
  5. Evaluate yourself. Do you act differently in certain settings and why?
  6. In your opinion, can you be authentic while holding back some of your true thoughts for the sake of another? Explain.
  7. How does humility help you to be good? How can you look to elevate other voices in your sphere of influence?
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


FlexTalk: FLEXTALK's official YouTube channel is dedicated to empowering great, value-based conversations at home, school, work, and beyond.