Categories: Family

Marriage Basics: Trust Is Earned, Not Freely Given

The second principle for marriage will help you to establish the groundwork of trust for a fulfilling, happy marriage.

Talking Points:

  • Trust is “relying on the integrity or ability of another person.” Your ability to trust is based on someone else, not you.
  • Marriage Basics #2: Trust is earned, not freely given. It has to be earned by proving your character over and over. Even in a marriage, trust cannot be demanded. It must be earned over time.
  • There are three elements to trust- it’s reactive, measurable and it takes time to build.
  • Forgiveness is different from trust. Forgiveness is a gift you choose to extend to someone whether they’ve earned it or not.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. On a scale from 1-10, how trusting of a person are you generally? What experiences have shaped your view of trust?
  3. In what areas have you had a hard time trusting your spouse? Explain. In those areas, what could your spouse do to start earning trust?
  4. Review the trait of trust: reactive, measurable, takes time. Which trait is most important to you? Why is it important to remember that you can measure trust?
  5. What role does forgiveness play in earning trust? Is there an area where you need to extend forgiveness to your spouse, even if he/she still has trust to earn?
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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