Having your top values in mind will help you to align your mission, vision, strategy and culture.

Talking Points:

  • Clarify what you believe in and set boundaries for your team, organization, or family. Before you even thought up your team’s mission or vision, you probably had some values in mind. These values are like a boundary and will help you to make decisions moving forward.
  • Try to determine your top four or five values. This will help you see what is important to you and what you need to work on.
  • When you know your values it will be obvious who is right for your team. It is going to be people who share the values or are willing to learn them.
  • Your values are important. Without the right values mission, vision, strategy, and culture won’t fall into place for you. There will always be a disconnect because you and your team don’t have clarity on the values that matter.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What values are most important to you? Why?
  3. Why do you think having your top five values in mind will help you align your mission, vision, strategy and culture?
  4. How important is it to you to have people on your team who align with your values? Why?
  5. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?