Categories: Family

What Kids Want

Your kid doesn’t want that new video game, what they really want is you.

Talking Points:

  • Your child’s value comes from knowing that you want their company. Every time you walk into a room, your child is trying to read you for clues on what you think about them. So, the more time you spend with them the more chance they have to build their sense of value.
  • Your child simply wants more of you. The don’t want more stuff, or entertainment, or things to do. When you hand your kids a long list of things you need them to do they begin to grow tired and feel like puppets.
  • Nothing meets your child’s needs more than having your attention. If you just sit down with your kid and see how they are doing and talk about what it going on in their life you will see amazing things. You will see their value skyrocket due to the fact that the most important person in their life is investing time into them.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What are some things that get in the way of spending time with your kids? Why?
  3. Have you ever neglected time with your child? What was the outcome?
  4. Do you agree with the statement “Your child’s value comes from knowing that you want their company?” Why or why not?
  5. What are some steps you can take to prioritize time with your kids?
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


Sketch X: The official scribble channel for life, leadership, and more at FLEXTALK.org.