Categories: Family

What Parents Need to Know About E-Cigarettes

Parents, don't be fooled by the marketing of e-cigarettes. They are dangerous for your teenagers.

Talking Points:

  • E-Cigarettes, vape pens, and Juuls are often advertised as a safe alternative to smoking, but the truth is they are just as harmful as a traditional cigarette.
  • When kids use these products, they are getting a big dose of Nicotine, which disrupts brain development and leads to higher rates of anxiety and depression.
  • E-cigarettes are highly addictive, especially for young people. This will not only make it hard to quit, but it will also increase the chances of transitioning to cigarettes in the future.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Before watching this video, how much did you know about E-cigarettes and other vaping devices?
  3. Do you know if your kids have ever used an E-cigarette? Explain. Have you noticed if any of their friends are using such devices? Explain.
  4. Why is it important for you to be aware of the potential dangerous habits of your kids? What are some of the risks if you don’t know and don’t confront such habits?
  5. Would you say that you and your child are able to talk openly about such topics? If not, why? What steps could you take to remedy that?
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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