Your Culture Gets What It Pays For

Establishing a good culture will be the first step in strategically aligning your team, organization, or family.

Talking Points:

  • Be honest about how you actually do things and take ownership of the results. If you aren’t honest about your culture and its outcome, then you are never going to get to the next level.
  • If you are frustrated with the results you are getting it is probably because your culture doesn’t align with your vision. The results you are getting right now are the ones you deserve.
  • Strategic re-alignment will help you turn today’s results into tomorrow’s vision. It will help you to bridge the gap between your current culture and your desired vision by using strategic objectives.
  • The goal of strategic alignment is to integrate your culture, strategy, vision, and values into your mission as an organization, team, or family.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Write our your team’s vision: where you want to be in the next 3, 5, or 10 years.
  3. Write out your “culture” list: what you actually do on a regular basis. Cross off the items that represent sideways energy, directing you away from your vision.
  4. Write out your “strategy” list: the stuff you (or your team) should be doing on a regular basis.
  5. Make one more list: the roadblocks that might keep your team from aligning its culture with your new strategy.
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
Sketch X: The official scribble channel for life, leadership, and more at FLEXTALK.org.