3 Markers of a Self-Aware Person

This is Topic #1 in the Emotional Intelligence series.

The healthiest people in the world are self-aware. How are you doing in that area?

Talking Points:

  • EQ measures your emotional and relational health. It’s the ability to know yourself and to empathize and understand others
  • A self aware person is brave enough to articulate their faults and strengths.
  • A self aware person is humble and teachable when someone points out a weakness. They show a willingness to learn from their mistakes.
  • A self aware person won’t play the victim but will take ownership of their personal growth.
Discussion Questions:
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Explain EQ in your own words. Identify someone in your life who has a high EQ. How do you know?
  3. What grade would you give yourself on your ability to articulate your faults and strengths? Why did you give yourself that grade?
  4. Why do you think some people struggle to be honest about their faults and strengths? How can you grow in this area?
  5. How do you typically respond when someone points out a weakness of yours? Why do you think most people react with defensiveness?
  6. How can someone point out your weakness in a way that you can receive it? What suggestion would you give them?
  7. What does it look like to take ownership of your personal growth? What does it look like to play the victim? Give an example.
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

Find this topic in Emotions.

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